Alarm Server Error - Could not initialize project configuration or invalid project configuration

I have a project that is using 2 servers for redundancy. However, the customer wanted to isolate the servers so that the Primary could be used as the first phase was complete and then use the secondary for commissioing phase 2. The reason being is that we're providing data to their main system which is a BMS Tridium Niagara system via OPC. So for Phase 1 Niagara OPC devcies are configured to connect to the endpoint on the primary server and Phase 2 Niagara OPC devices connect to the secondary. The issue I have now is that when I updated the project on the primary server with the correct IP for the secondary, the Alarm Server will not start and outlines an error 'Could not initialize project configuration or invalid project configuration'. The project is still running on the Secondary server albeit using a dummy IP for the Primary server so it remains isolated. I suspect I will have to stop the runtime on both servers to make the IP changes but it is a live site and would like to avoid that. I was wondering are there any parameters that could be used so that the secondary can be running the project? After getting the project running again on the Primary I would do the same on the Secondary. Is it possible?

  • Hi  ,

    There is no such parameter to force the alarm redundant pair running in the isolated mode, ie, Main-Main. The redundant alarm servers will always remain Main/Standby as long as they can see each other. In your case, maybe a better approach is to define a master project and two included projects, one for Phase 1 and the other for Phase 2.  The alarm redundancy should remain although there will be discrepancy in configured alarms when the primary server hosts included projects 1 & 2 while the secondary server runs the included project 1 only. 

