Plant SCADA 2023 R2: Timely Deploy of a previous version ?

I wish to be able to roll-back to a previously deployed version in a timely fashion. At present, it appears that switching back to the previous version still results in lengthy deploy activity.  If the files are already local to the client and unzipped ready for action, why does this process take as long as deploying a new version ?   Surely it should be a far quicker process.


  • Even without deployment manager, I will sometimes put two runnable versions of the project on the same installation(like a _Test suffix on the project) and clean up the new copy when I am done testing.  Roll back is just a quick project setup run.  Yes, it does require signing into each computer with a remote operating program, but all of the networking is already in place if Citect is working properly. I'm sure there are ways to switch the .ini files and restart from the station you are working from. ProjectGet() and ProjectSet() could give you a way of doing it by cicode.  I know this is not in Deployment manager.  I've had at least a half dozen Deployment installations, and we have always had to go back to the manual method due to problems.

  • Even without deployment manager, I will sometimes put two runnable versions of the project on the same installation(like a _Test suffix on the project) and clean up the new copy when I am done testing.  Roll back is just a quick project setup run.  Yes, it does require signing into each computer with a remote operating program, but all of the networking is already in place if Citect is working properly. I'm sure there are ways to switch the .ini files and restart from the station you are working from. ProjectGet() and ProjectSet() could give you a way of doing it by cicode.  I know this is not in Deployment manager.  I've had at least a half dozen Deployment installations, and we have always had to go back to the manual method due to problems.

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