Trending machine status from a trafic light tower

I have several machines with a 'trafic light' indicating 3 statuses.




I want a trend of these 3 situations over the last 24 hours (or 8 hours)

I can do this by using these variables for pens like:

The problem I have is that trending is only possible in 'Instant trend'

When using instant trend the charting begins when opening the page, NO history!
(See second pane in picture below.)


To overcome this I made ALARMS which can be trended and these are displayed correctly and with history.
(See pane 1, 3 and 4 in picture above)

Problem with this method is that my alarm page is displaying all these alarms

AL_201_RED, AL_302_RED etc etc.
Some have a description, some don't, this is due to my programming ;-)

Is there an other way to trend the status of the machines without using these ALARM trend with history?

If not can I filter-out, on the alarm page, these Alarms based on name or empty description field, so they are not visible anymore?

Thanks for your support.

Parents Reply
  • Thanks for that tip about displaying as an analog trend to get the average value. 

    I have a similar situation, with traffic lights that we typically display as a digital trend (just logged as a standard trend tag).  For most purposes, displaying as digital is the more useful format for the operators, but I was always slightly frustrated that the "Average" didn't work in that mode.  Nice to know it is possible using analog mode for the same tags. 

    Below is an image from the site, using the same tags in both formats to demonstrate what Tony has said. 


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