Changing Equipment Types of Equipment

If I replace the equipment type of an equipment with a new equipment type but has the same items as the old ones, just formats and what nots are different, will the history remain? Or is this considered a new tag? If I am using Aveva PI Vision, will I have to remove the old tag and create a new one with same tagname?

  •  Hi  ,

    An equipment type in Plant SCADA, in general, refers to an equipment template that is used for generating alarm, trend and variable tags for equipment instances. Equipment types won't be used at runtime once all tags are generated based on equipment instances and types for a project. So, changing the equipment type will have no impact on the runtime behaviors as long as the equipment instances and their items remain the same as before (including the syntax used for generating alarm/trend/variable tags, such as Tag Prefix).

    It will be a good idea to run Equipment Update after the change with a test project and compare the results with the original.

    Hope this would help.

