Change in template causes warning in instances

Almost always we encounter the following scenario. A simple change is made in template (e.g. fixing a typo in description of an attribute). After template is checked in and changes are propagated, a large percentage of instances shows a warning symbol. Instances need to be validated in order for the warning to be removed. Why is this the case?

  • Hi, I am too experiencing the same issue and could share some discoveries regarding this.
    It is an ongoing issue so I might need to add to this later but i can imagine that you see this mostly on deployed instances?
    As far as I understand the mechanism for validating has changed in later versions that have an impact on this.
    Please make sure to use my information as a suggestion or insights in to this mechanism. If the system is a production-server take appropriate actions to ensure it does not impact on your production.   
    As per R&D: This behavior is in all new versions, it is a change implies design change of internal implementation of the component.
    It means subscription mechanism is implemented where the the IO extended attribute is updated only when there is a data change. 


    please create a below mentioned registry key and perform the validation.







    Explanation from R&D: 

    There was a behavior change due to performance enhancement changes to IO extension primitives where io extension primitive subscribes to datachange callbacks instead of polling IO source each scan.
    If the customer wants to have old behavior, then they can use the EnableLegacyIOMode registry entry to use legacy behavior.

    It means subscription mechanism is implemented where the IO extended attribute is updated only when there is a data change. 

    Starting form ASP 2017 Subscription mechanism is used when Input source value changes data change is notified and UDA is updated.
    For ASP 2014 update UDA with IO enabled the input source is polled every scan. 
    As per R&D Developer this changed (Subscription mechanism ) done to improve input source Changed to UDA Update value.



    Please let me know if the information is of any use to you and if you implement the 'fix', if the behavior improves your validations.

  • Hi  , thank you for your insight.

    You are correct in assuming that this behavior is observed mostly on deployed instances.

    As for the mentioned registry key, should it be created on all of the nodes in the galaxy, or only on GR?

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