2023 R2 IDE icons

Hi All,

I'm recieving more and more complains from customers regarding new IDE icons and some of them decided to keep 2023 version and choosen to postpone migration.

It was a good idea to refresh them but to be honest it added a lot of confusion and complexity to read and understand Model view because of a lack of constrast between instances and Areas.

What about you ?

I propose to the R&D to completly fill the instance hexagon with black color as it will help to understand what happens in big Galaxies.

See below.



  • This week I provided an ApplicationServer 2023 training for a class of new SystemPlatform users. Doing the week, I presentedd the 2023R2 introducing the new icons. The feedback I got was positve. While I struggle myself to fully understand the new corlors, I learned that the icons actully is easy to read for new techies.

    The icons description here is a great help to keep track on all icons.

  • I preferred the previous icons with a little color...they seem to be for the color blind (with all due respect to them).

    Dark mode when?

  • As always we have to pick which feature we want to spend our money on first, and while everyone here is in vehement agreement that darkmode is highly desirable (we even put mockups together), we had to deprioritise it to make space for other more important bits.  It is still high on our wishlist, so I hope to get to it at some point, but I cannot commit to a date or version in which it will be present, I am sorry.

  • As always we have to pick which feature we want to spend our money on first, and while everyone here is in vehement agreement that darkmode is highly desirable (we even put mockups together), we had to deprioritise it to make space for other more important bits.  It is still high on our wishlist, so I hope to get to it at some point, but I cannot commit to a date or version in which it will be present, I am sorry.

    Thanks Ernst.

  • As always we have to pick which feature we want to spend our money on first, and while everyone here is in vehement agreement that darkmode is highly desirable (we even put mockups together), we had to deprioritise it to make space for other more important bits.  It is still high on our wishlist, so I hope to get to it at some point, but I cannot commit to a date or version in which it will be present, I am sorry.

    Thanks Ernst.
