we are starting the process of updating to 2023 version. This requires coordination with our client's IT department, we are referring them to the DNS requirements in the newly released deployment guide from AVEVA.
There is a requirement for all nodes being able to communicate with each other by using both IP adress and node name. The IT department are asking us why there is requirement for all nodes to be able to communicate by using BOTH IP address and Node Name? Is there a more detailed explanation for this or is it just something that "may" result in problems.
Thank you kindly for any help you can provide.
Deployment guide, page 77.
Configure IP addressing
Make sure the DNS server is properly configured. All nodes in your Galaxy must be able to communicate with
each other by using both IP address and Node Name, as configured in the Network Address option of the
WinPlatform object.
If PCs in the Galaxy are using fixed IP addresses, then create a hosts file with the host name to IP Address
WinPlatform connection problems may result if computers cannot be accessed by both Hostname and IP
This is true no matter which type of Network Address you choose to use.
For example, assume two nodes in your Galaxy (host name: NodeA, IP address:; host name: NodeB, IP
address: NodeA must be able to ping NodeB with both "NodeB" and "".
The reverse must also be true for NodeB pinging NodeA. Failure in either case, may result in the following: you
may not be able to connect to a remote Galaxy Repository node from the IDE or deployment operations may fail.