Regarding Galaxy dump / CSV files from IDE

Hi everyone, I am wondering about the export/import of galaxy dump csv files.  I recently realized that you don't need to include every column when importing them.  I am however not sure what rules apply.  Is it enough to have tagname + other columns of choice or are there mandatory columns that have to be there?

Also would it be possible to do a batch rename of multiple tagnames  with a csv import?



  • Hi Jacob, as long as you have the 'Only Update changed attributes' option upon import, then its enough to include only the updated columns in the import file (And Tagname of course).

    Renaming object instances, or Attributes is not possible in this way. (you can import the new updated instance names and afterwards delete the old instances though).

    But if you rename the Attribute in the csv file, import the instance using replace option, then it will recreate the instance with the new name, then all content needs to exist in the csv file though.

    Other more advanced bulk manipulations of templates or instances, I would use GRAccess.

  • Hi Jacob, as long as you have the 'Only Update changed attributes' option upon import, then its enough to include only the updated columns in the import file (And Tagname of course).

    Renaming object instances, or Attributes is not possible in this way. (you can import the new updated instance names and afterwards delete the old instances though).

    But if you rename the Attribute in the csv file, import the instance using replace option, then it will recreate the instance with the new name, then all content needs to exist in the csv file though.

    Other more advanced bulk manipulations of templates or instances, I would use GRAccess.
