My 2014 Galaxy ALARMING doesn't work

I restored a 2014 Galaxy. The ALARMING doesn't work at all. I tested the alarm clients with different queries and filters, but the issue doesn't seem to be the clients. I looks like the Galaxy doesn't produce any alarms, although it is set up. Any out of the box things that I can check. like registry, db, services etc

  • The Platform object(s) is the component acting as alarm provider, so my first thought is to verify that it has the Alarm Provider setting enabled and if so perhaps undeploy and then redeploy it while checking the logger for errors.

    Another item to check may be that the Alarm Mode is set to enabled, in case that somehow has been toggled. Given that the Alarm Mode propagates downward in the Model hierarchy, it is possible to disable all alarms for parts of (or the entire) application if setting it on a top-level area. Each object has an Alarm Mode attribute and there should also be an Alarm Mode attribute for each individual alarm. 

    That's all I can think of for now