failure to deploy winplatform/runtime node to galaxy

Hi everyone,

I am working with a galaxy consisting of two runtime nodes and one developer node. All three platforms were deployed and running, for some reason one of the runtime nodes has stopped responding and is not possible to deploy.   Screenshots from the IDE node, all computer names and ip adresses are the same. I tried deleting the platform in the IDE and recreating it didnt change the situation.  anyone with a idea what could be causing this.?

No SMS activated in this system, running 23R2


  • Hi,

    while testing for redundancy and switching of network adapters, I've noticed that the automatic metric setting altered the network binding order, which caused the Platform Communication Error to occur.
    In this light, I referred to the manual of the IDE - Application Server user guide regarding "Configuring multiple NIC's".
    Following commands in Powershell seemed interesting to see and correct the correct order (RMC-NIC needs to have a lower priority, meaning higher interface metric).
    As my NIC's were still set to automatic metric, the behaviour after switching off/on NIC's or rebooting the PC was undetermined.
    Fixing the metric in the IPv4-settings=>Advanced=>Untick Automatic metric, set metric for primary to fe 10 and RMC-NIC to fe 100 did the trick.

    The Get-NetIPInterface command in powershell to confirm and the Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceIndex 2 -InterfaceMetric 100 were of value while debugging.

    Best regards

  • Hi,

    while testing for redundancy and switching of network adapters, I've noticed that the automatic metric setting altered the network binding order, which caused the Platform Communication Error to occur.
    In this light, I referred to the manual of the IDE - Application Server user guide regarding "Configuring multiple NIC's".
    Following commands in Powershell seemed interesting to see and correct the correct order (RMC-NIC needs to have a lower priority, meaning higher interface metric).
    As my NIC's were still set to automatic metric, the behaviour after switching off/on NIC's or rebooting the PC was undetermined.
    Fixing the metric in the IPv4-settings=>Advanced=>Untick Automatic metric, set metric for primary to fe 10 and RMC-NIC to fe 100 did the trick.

    The Get-NetIPInterface command in powershell to confirm and the Set-NetIPInterface -InterfaceIndex 2 -InterfaceMetric 100 were of value while debugging.

    Best regards

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