comment interroger l'OIWebsvc

Comment peut-on faire pour récupérer les informations via l'OI WEBSVC dans un objet System platform ?

  • The WebSvc OI Server is accessible the same way as any other communication driver, through the interfaces supported by Application Server: SuiteLink, OPC, or PCS.

    The driver presents the result of querying the web services both as the complete returned JSON or XML payload ($op$ww.get.result tag) as well as a parameterized set of scalar valued tags parsed from the payload. For instance, the following screenshot shows the result of querying the Open Weather Map API where the full payload is in the $op$ww.get.result tag and the structure is broken down to scalar tags:


    If using SuiteLink or PCS to integrate the driver, the “Topic” field of the connection will be the name of any of the Device Groups configured in the OI-WebSvc instance. The Device Groups can be set for periodic querying, but it is also possible to manually trigger the queries by writing to the $op$ tag.

    More information here: Access data using the WEBSVC Communication Driver

  • The WebSvc OI Server is accessible the same way as any other communication driver, through the interfaces supported by Application Server: SuiteLink, OPC, or PCS.

    The driver presents the result of querying the web services both as the complete returned JSON or XML payload ($op$ww.get.result tag) as well as a parameterized set of scalar valued tags parsed from the payload. For instance, the following screenshot shows the result of querying the Open Weather Map API where the full payload is in the $op$ww.get.result tag and the structure is broken down to scalar tags:


    If using SuiteLink or PCS to integrate the driver, the “Topic” field of the connection will be the name of any of the Device Groups configured in the OI-WebSvc instance. The Device Groups can be set for periodic querying, but it is also possible to manually trigger the queries by writing to the $op$ tag.

    More information here: Access data using the WEBSVC Communication Driver

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