What does the Galaxy Backup Utility check for prior to running? What services should I make sure our stopped prior to running the Utility?
I have set up a powershell script that the windows task scheduler executes every night and in the script the galaxy backup utility is run if there are no users logged into the IDE. If someone is logged in then the back up is not performed and an email is sent notifying that the backup failed.
When you do a manual backup with the Galaxy Database Manager you get a warning that says some thing along the lines of: During GR backup operation, no database-write operations are allowed. Please make sure no other applications are writing to the GR node"
What are the Archestra processes/services that would perform database writes? Or What else should be checked prior to performing a backup?
It seems like the backup utility auto fails if a import is happening when the backup utility is scheduled to run, and I want to capture that in my check so it can be included in the notification email.