Uninstall question

Is there a "proper" way to uninstall the IWS v8.1 system files on my target PC, or is it a matter of just moving the file folder to the Recycle Bin?.

  • Thanks Nathan. And if nothing IWS related appears under Add/Remove Programs then I'm guessing all I need to do is delete them. (I am talking about my target PC, and not my IWS development PC. I'm having an issue related to my license hardkey as was told to uninstall IWS system files from my target PC.)
  • Thanks Nathan. And if nothing IWS related appears under Add/Remove Programs then I'm guessing all I need to do is delete them. (I am talking about my target PC, and not my IWS development PC. I'm having an issue related to my license hardkey as was told to uninstall IWS system files from my target PC.)
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