Citect Anywhere vs Web Client

Is there any benefits of the Web Client (active-x) over the html5 supported Citect Anywhere.

  • Hi Grant,

    For Web Clients you don't need the extra server, including Microsoft licenses and the licenses for Citect Anywhere.
    On the other hand Web Clients can only run in MS Internet Explorer, and all the standard Citect TCP ports have to be opened in the firewalls as well as the http/web port(s).
    So you would have to consider security, costs and complexity of both implementations when choosing the right solution for your situation.

  • Hi Patrick
    Can you please provide any brochure about web client .
  • Hi ,
    It is difficult to find up to date brochure for Citect Web Server / Web Client feature. It is still available, but not something that is being pushed actively. This means it will likely be deprecated in the near future. The recommended solution for the moment is Citect Anywhere or RDS type solutions. In the next release of Citect, a new Web App (pure HTML5) is going to be available.
    If you want some technical documents on this feature, consult the online help, or search engine "Citect Web Client Guide" or similar.
  • It's interesting you say about a Pure HTML5 web app in the next version. Why would anyone go down a Citect Anywhere path given the extra licence requirements?
  • Hi ,
    The pure HTML5 web app will have some limitations in the first release. It won't be able to fully replace the existing graphics in the short term. The great thing about Citect Anywhere is that it does provide all features and functionality that the thick client currently provides. Eventually the new HTML5 web app will get all the features so you can fully move to this new graphic format. I hope I'm not giving too much away :)
  • Hi Olivier , Thank you for the reply . can you please advice about WEB CLient licences CT103099 viewer and CT102012 contrôler ; should they be installed in PC server or in PC Client ? and what about the alarms , i noticed that they don't appear in WEB CLient why ?
  • Hi ,
    The Web Client Licenses should be hosted on the Citect Servers, so they can be shared with Web Clients via the "Floating License" feature. See online help for more info on that topic.
    With regards to the alarms, it sounds like a port issue. I assume you can view IO and Trend data? If it is just alarms not working, I'd recommend seeing if the port can be opened to the Alarm Server from the client machine, specifically the "Alarm Port" (defaults to 2080) and "Alarm Database Port" (default 5482). Make sure there isn't a firewall or router issue.
    Also check out the "quick start guide" available here:
  • Web Client only works in IE and has no encryption. The Anywhere is TLS 1.2 compliant HTML5 based application which is secure and support all browser. For Webclient you need only Citect V/O or Ctrl client licenses. For Anywhere you need Anywhere license available in multiple of 5, Windows RDP CAL licenses and Citect V/O or Ctrl license. So now up to you and your customer to decide based on preferences.