Officially unsupported language add in Citect SCADA

I am trying to add language in CitectSCADA 2018 R2 which is by default not supported. I am following instruction given in help file. As per help it should create language name .dbf file after compilation but its not creating. If I create by copying existing English language dbf and modifiying for new language and adding same its in LANG.dbf however i am getting warning, said language is not supported by citectSCADA and i am not getting affected by selecting while login.

Is there any other methods to follow or am i missing something here.

FYI i am upgrading Ver. 5.3 backup to latest one same language is working fine in 5.3 and changing happened using function SetLanguage function but its obsoleted and we have to use it using login only.

Thanks in advance.

  • Thanks for quick reply.

    I have followed that steps only however its not changing my Text in unsupported language. Warning message is OK if its working fine. However there is provision then sure i will use that parameter to suppress that warning message.
  • I am referring TN8957 (

    Here are the steps I followed:

    1. Added Language at  System->Languages - Assamese (India) - This language is showing in my computer's Region and Language as per TN8957.
    2. Pack project
    3. Compile project
    4. Check Assamese.dbf file made automatically or not - Its not there

    Am I missing anything ?

  • Make sure you set the language name in Citect to: Assamese(India)

    If you add any spaces it won't work.

    I added the Assamese language pack to my Windows 10: 


    I added the language definition to my project:

    I added the local language parameter:

    I added a language translation to a page: @(Hello)

    I added a user to the project so I could test logging in.

    I compiled my project and got the warning: 

    The specified language is not supported (W1027)

    I looked in my project folder and found Citect had created:


    I added a language translation to the DBF file for "Hello". I couldn't see what Citect characterset would be compatible with Assamese text so I just typed "Hello in assamese".

    I ran the project and it showed "Hello" on the page, but when I logged in I was able to select Assamese(India) for the language and "Hello" changed to my "translation".


  • I think this is a normal behavior and the warning is just telling that you are using an unsupported language so this requires extra steps to be performed and to configure.
    I think the space or not doesn't really matter.
    This is a warning you can hide it!
  • If I add in a space, then I get two compile warnings:

    The specified language is not supported (W1027)
    Not a valid language (W1029)

    and it does not create the dbf file.

    The help page I linked to before specifically says:

    The format for specifying an unsupported language is: <LanguageName>(<RegionName>) For example, "Hebrew(Israel)"

    Note that they show it with no spaces between the language and region. It appears that is a requirement. Some languages may have a space in the language name, though, like "Chinese (Traditional)(Taiwan)", where the language name is "Chinese (Traditional)", and the region name is "Taiwan".

    You can hide warning W1027 once you know you have it configured to work correctly. I would not hide warning W1029 since it is saying that the language doesn't match a language installed in Windows--you need to know if that happens.

    Note that I am testing with Citect 2018 R2.

  • Thanks Eric Black, Its works without space only. With space it is not creating all required files. I have tested this in Citect 2016, 2018 and 2018 R2.

    Now I have another question here, in old version (I have 5.1 and 6.3 version backup) there are language defined which are not listed in Region and Language in computer and its working and language switching fine using SetLanguage function.

    So is it compulsory now or is there a way to achieve that in latest version ?