Template clock stops

hi, i have this issue with an application developed on citect scada 2015 and we recently upgraded it to 2018 r2. All windows are developed over templates, a couple ones,  and the base template has de alarm banner and the clock, with date, right at the button of the window. After the upgrade, the clock doesnt work... just when the page is called, update the clock but it doesnt show the real time. stops. As i said, in the 2015 project this never happened. any idea?   

  • hi Antonio, thanks for your reply. in fact, it has a nested template. the only hardware alarm that citect shows when one of the pages is open, is something related with AlarmFilterEdit - AlarmFilterReset - Foreground cicode connot block. Looking into the template with the citect search tool, i cant find any related if it is used. running the application over 2015, has the same hardware alarm, but the clock issue dont happen.
  • hi Antonio, thanks for your reply. in fact, it has a nested template. the only hardware alarm that citect shows when one of the pages is open, is something related with AlarmFilterEdit - AlarmFilterReset - Foreground cicode connot block. Looking into the template with the citect search tool, i cant find any related if it is used. running the application over 2015, has the same hardware alarm, but the clock issue dont happen.
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