Software protection failure - Citect 2018 & software license


Lately we are suffering intermitent software protection failure with Citect 2018, that causes System service to be restarted randomly, for example:

2021-05-03 02:54:06.479 -05:00 Citect (32 bit) (PID 18172) Startup 8.10 Update 26 (Nov 10, 2020)
2021-05-03 04:39:26.584 -05:00 Licensing::OEM_DONGLE:oemDongleCheckLicence, hr: (0x00000000), license status: 1
2021-05-03 04:39:26.591 -05:00 Licensing::LicenseProtection:LicenseProtectionCheck, local license doesn't support run time (key failure #1)
2021-05-03 04:39:26.591 -05:00 KerMain: Task ran for more than 1 sec: Task=CitectIO, time=20126ms
2021-05-03 04:44:06.495 -05:00 Licensing::OEM_DONGLE:oemDongleCheckLicence, hr: (0x00000000), license status: 1
2021-05-03 04:44:06.501 -05:00 Licensing::LicenseProtection:LicenseProtectionCheck, local license doesn't support run time (key failure #2)
2021-05-03 04:49:06.490 -05:00 Licensing::OEM_DONGLE:oemDongleCheckLicence, hr: (0x00000000), license status: 1
2021-05-03 04:49:06.497 -05:00 Licensing::LicenseProtection:LicenseProtectionCheck, local license doesn't support run time (key failure #3)
2021-05-03 04:54:06.489 -05:00 Licensing::OEM_DONGLE:oemDongleCheckLicence, hr: (0x00000000), license status: 1
2021-05-03 04:54:06.496 -05:00 Licensing::LicenseProtection:LicenseProtectionCheck, local license doesn't support run time (key failure #4)
2021-05-03 04:54:06.496 -05:00 ## SHUTDOWN ## - Software Protection Failure (at File (..\ioserver\LicenseProtection.cpp) Line (1468))
2021-05-03 04:54:06.572 -05:00 TranClose: Name=W1354CReport, hTran=3
2021-05-03 04:54:06.572 -05:00 TranClosePlatform: Name=W1354CReport, hTran=3
2021-05-03 04:54:06.583 -05:00 TranClose: Name=W1354CAlarm, hTran=1
2021-05-03 04:54:06.583 -05:00 TranClosePlatform: Name=W1354CAlarm, hTran=1
2021-05-03 04:54:06.595 -05:00 TranClose: Name=W1354W1354C, hTran=0
2021-05-03 04:54:06.595 -05:00 TranClosePlatform: Name=W1354W1354C, hTran=0
2021-05-03 04:54:06.598 -05:00 TranClose: Name=W1354CTrend, hTran=2
2021-05-03 04:54:06.599 -05:00 TranClosePlatform: Name=W1354CTrend, hTran=2
2021-05-03 04:54:06.600 -05:00 TranClose: Name=@@W1354C.TrendServer, hTran=4
2021-05-03 04:54:06.600 -05:00 TranCloseDedicated: Name=@@W1354C.TrendServer, hTran=4
2021-05-03 04:54:06.600 -05:00 TranClose: Name=@@W1354C.AlarmServer, hTran=5
2021-05-03 04:54:06.600 -05:00 TranCloseDedicated: Name=@@W1354C.AlarmServer, hTran=5
2021-05-03 04:54:06.600 -05:00 TranClose: Name=@@W1354C.Reportserver, hTran=6
2021-05-03 04:54:06.600 -05:00 TranCloseDedicated: Name=@@W1354C.Reportserver, hTran=6
2021-05-03 04:54:06.600 -05:00 TranClose: Name=@@W1354C.W1354, hTran=7
2021-05-03 04:54:06.600 -05:00 TranCloseDedicated: Name=@@W1354C.W1354, hTran=7
2021-05-03 04:54:07.398 -05:00 *************************************
2021-05-03 04:54:07.400 -05:00 *** Citect process is starting up ***
2021-05-03 04:54:07.400 -05:00 Running in 32 bit process architecture
2021-05-03 04:54:07.400 -05:00 Running in Service Mode
2021-05-03 04:54:07.408 -05:00 Data Execution Prevention (DEP), has been enabled successfully
2021-05-03 04:54:07.467 -05:00 Protection: Provider DLL D:\Citect\Bin\SentinelProvider.dll cannot supply a licence
2021-05-03 04:54:07.761 -05:00 Protection: Using provider DLL D:\Citect\Bin\LMBrickProvider.dll
2021-05-03 04:54:07.844 -05:00 Licensing::OEM_DONGLE:oemDongleCheckLicence, key detected, key id: 41502
2021-05-03 04:54:07.845 -05:00 Licensing::OEM_DONGLE:LogLicensingInfo, Key ID: 41502, Key Serial: A-MF8X-C8PK-EKBD, Site ID: 43231, OEM Code: 0, OEM Descriptor: Citect for Windows - dongle, Max Version: 82, fDevelop: 1, fRuntime: 1, wRuntimeUsers: 1, wRuntimeControlClients: 1, wRuntimeViewOnlyClients: 0, dwIOSupport: -1, dwAlarmSupport: -1, dwTrendSupport: -1, dwReportSupport: -1, dwEventSupport: -1, wRuntimeCtApi: 10, wRuntimeOLEDB: 10, numPointCountsAvailable: 22
2021-05-03 04:54:07.845 -05:00 Licensing::OEM_DONGLE:LogLicensingInfo, wRuntimeProtocols: 65535, sRuntimeProtocols: '', wLicenseEndDate: 0, wLicenseGrantPeriod: 0, wRuntimeDuration: 0, wRuntimeOEMSpecific[0]: 0, wRuntimeOEMSpecific[1]: 0, wRuntimeOEMSpecific[2]: 0, wRuntimeOEMSpecific[3]: 0, wRuntimeOEMSpecific[4]: 0, wRuntimeOEMSpecific[5]: 0, wRuntimeOEMSpecific 0, wRuntimeOEMSpecific[7]: 0, wRuntimeOEMSpecific 0, wRuntimeOEMSpecific[9]: 0, Protection Driver Version: 01.00
2021-05-03 04:54:07.875 -05:00 Licensing::LicenseProtection:LogLicenceSerialNumber, Found hardware key with serial A-MF-8X-C8PK-EKBD (Encrypted Time Stamped Serial: w{taxu~pf8b, 0x777b746178757e701e66081f381f620f)
2021-05-03 04:54:09.158 -05:00 Loaded _Library RDB; time 2021-04-30 08:09:41.

As you can see suddenly the license is lost and recovered again, but I don't know the problem behind, as this happens everyday, and System services is restarted and it works again.

I have found in the article TN9038 that there was a bug related to this in Citect 7.30, have someone else faced this problem in Citect 2018?
