Reference Item names in Equipment editor?

Hey Guys,

Real quick, is there a way to reference the item name in the equipment editor?

Trying to build a bunch of equipment and data types. Being able to reference the equipment name would save me some time. 

Currently my tag name looks like this: {equipment.IODEVICE}_HGC_PRM_BOOL_19

Where I wish i could put {equipment.IODEVICE}_HGC_{equipment.ItemName}

Thanks guys!


Parents Reply Children
  • And now would be a good time for this idea as I believe some product development is focusing on equipment right now. I'll vote for it as well.

  • Stuart,

    I had to lookup WET vs DRY programming. Thank you. I learned something today!

    From what I gather from some of the salespeople I've dealt with over the years, they have the mentality that once the PLC code is done, it never changes and thats when the HMI guys do their thing. We've never operated this way and in fact we never could. PLC programmers here need to simulate their code and see how it reacts as the operators would see it react. Generally I dont start developing until their code is 70-80% done, so, while I will have to make changes, they arent drastic. But the biggest pain is always keeping that tagDB up to date. But, we do spend alot of time developing alongside each other making sure we've got a rock solid product we cant stand behind and deliver to our customers.

    Whatever little tricks we could get would be beneficial. 

    Now once its commissioned, running and proven itself, things rarely change.