Trend Copy to clipboard or SaveAs in process analyst view


We configured trend tags to have 15 minutes sample period (00:15:00). In process analyst display, 15 minutes interval was seen (points visible) but when I used to SaveAs or Copy to Clipboard, the interval is not 15 minutes. Anybody help? I expected that the copied data into the file is in 15 minutes interval as declared in sample period. I am using PlantSCADA 2020R2.

Thanks to all

Felix C

Parents Reply Children
  • Yeah, I regularly export trend data from the Process Analyst, and I do so by first setting up a custom analyst view (.PAV) view to export from, which includes both the correct time span and the correct corresponding "Number of Samples" (default value = 300) set in the trend properties, in order to get data that starts on the right time boundary and with the interval between samples that I need.  It's a bit of a clunky workaround but it does the job.   Not really a good option if you want to export a large quantity of data at once though.