Trend Copy to clipboard or SaveAs in process analyst view


We configured trend tags to have 15 minutes sample period (00:15:00). In process analyst display, 15 minutes interval was seen (points visible) but when I used to SaveAs or Copy to Clipboard, the interval is not 15 minutes. Anybody help? I expected that the copied data into the file is in 15 minutes interval as declared in sample period. I am using PlantSCADA 2020R2.

Thanks to all

Felix C

  • Exports from Process Analyst, like SaveAs and Copy to Clipboard, copy the interpolated data from the PA view on screen, not the actual trend data. Accurate Trend data export can be achieved with custom Cicode routines built around one of the TrnExport***() functions, or with external tooling like the ones you can find in the Citect Toolbox Forum on this website (

  • Yeah, I regularly export trend data from the Process Analyst, and I do so by first setting up a custom analyst view (.PAV) view to export from, which includes both the correct time span and the correct corresponding "Number of Samples" (default value = 300) set in the trend properties, in order to get data that starts on the right time boundary and with the interval between samples that I need.  It's a bit of a clunky workaround but it does the job.   Not really a good option if you want to export a large quantity of data at once though.  

  • Yeah, I regularly export trend data from the Process Analyst, and I do so by first setting up a custom analyst view (.PAV) view to export from, which includes both the correct time span and the correct corresponding "Number of Samples" (default value = 300) set in the trend properties, in order to get data that starts on the right time boundary and with the interval between samples that I need.  It's a bit of a clunky workaround but it does the job.   Not really a good option if you want to export a large quantity of data at once though.  

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