CTICMP Driver not working

Hi All!
I am trying to monitor some devices using the Citect ICMP Driver.

It seems the driver will only send the PING request once on startup.

Screenshot Below taken from wireshark running on VM
Citect Server is

Looking at the online tag data, we can see the STATE has returned a '1'

If I power down the VM, the state will return '0'

Any ideas on how to get this polling at a more frequent rate - once every 10s or so.?
Also the RESPTIME has not been returned.

Where can I find the log files associated?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • Make sure the state tag is configured as DIGITAL and resptime as LONG (this was not visible in your screenshots). I don't think it is needed to fill the scaling fields, but if you do, make sure to fill RAW_ZERO and RAW_FULL as well.

    If you are running Windows 10, make sure to use driver version or higher.

    According to the CTICMP.chm help file, citect.ini parameter [CTICMP]HostPollTime is responsible for the ping interval (in seconds) to all hosts. Default value is 30 seconds. For your individual host you can define a LONG variable tag with address "" and set it to the value you need.

    For logging I believe there is a documenation error. I don't think [CTICMP]DebugMode is a valid parameter anymore, but that the driver now confirms to the new universal driver logging mechanism:
    Please try setting parameters [CTICMP]DebugLevel=ALL and [CTICMP]DebugCategory=ALL. Results should appear in the I/O server syslog.dat file in the default Citect log folder.

    Allowable parameter values for DebugLevel are: WARN, ERROR, TRACE, DEBUG and ALL.
    Allowable parameter values for DebugCategory are: PROT, DCB, MISC and ALL.
    Values can be combined using the pipe (|) symbol. For example: [CTICMP]DebugLevel=ERROR|WARN|TRACE

  • Worked for me:







    Parameters: none


    Target Online:

    Target Offline:



  •   This is a question for support.

    Thanks  and  for the inputs.

  • Hello

    i have achieved this functionality in a site before using CTICMP driver and it's working perfectly, let me attach slide that explains how to use it

  • Thanks All,

    I updated the drive from 3.2.0 >> 4.0.2.

    In the updated documentation it states that the HostPollTime is in (units) milliseconds.
    I updated my parameters to suit: 

    HostPollTime = 2000
    HostTimeout = 3000

    And now it is working as expected!
