Find in genie doesn't find anything - yet it is there...

I have some genies that when I do a Find "%" in them, it comes up blank.  Yet there are dynamic properties with substitutions in there.

Anyone seen this sort of thing before?  Tried packing and updating etc but no change.  Running 2020R2


  • Also tried the GBA open/save/close every single genie/symbol/template method - but no change.

    Interestingly - we also had a problem with GBA when cycling through all objects in a genie whereby it failed to retrieve the AN of an object a few times.  This was reproducible and once that object was identified (by elimination), deleting it and recreating it resolved that issue.
    But this was a different issue than the Find one I have raised here.

    Also have another Find issue whereby the Find "%" on a few genies returns "phantom" expressions containing non-existent substitutions (not there using either GBA or drilling into objects manually in Graphics Builder.

    I guess I am trying to work out if I should pursue this issue - or is this just what we should expect from Citect / PlantSCADA?  There seems to be no validation / cleaning tool or procedure that can resolve them and it is taking literally days of time trying to get a handle on them all.

    Should I start the migration to Archestra Graphics now? ;)

  • I suggest that you send a sample of the corrupted libraries to support and see if R&D can figure out what is wrong with them.

    Perhaps copying and pasting the content into a blank genie and saving it could clean it?

    Could be time to start the planning to migrate to AIG.

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