
Hi everybody!!!

I'm usuing Citect 2016 (8.0)

I'm trying to export some trends data to a CSV file with TrnExportCSV but I don't get it working.

So far, I'm running all the commands in the kernel cicode window.

Unless I specify 8 trends, I always get the same error message "529: Not enough arguments"

But when 8 trends are picked, the function seems to freeze and nothing else happends. The only way to run other commands is closing the window and open it again.

My final goal is to export the trend data to a csv file, it's not mandatory cicode. I've already tried "Citect Trend reader" but there is no "Export" button. You can only view the data.

Any suggestions??

  • You might share the exact command you're using for TrnExportCSV().

    TrendReader is primarily for examining the internal data in trend files to troubleshoot errors, but it does have export ability. When you open a trend HST file, the Save button appears and will export the info from the HST and all numbered data files to a CSV file. 

    There's a related stand-alone tool called Batch TrnExportCSV which is designed to export multiple trends to CSV files so they can more easily be imported back into Citect or another app if desired.

    Another option is the TrnExportCSVMulti tool from the Toolbox. It's a Cicode function that extends the functionality of TrnExportCSV and improves performance. Note that TrnExportCSVMulti has been in the toolbox for years, but it seems to have disappeared so I just uploaded it again.

  • Thank you very much Erik!!! I was able to export the data with  Batch TrnExportCSV. Great tool. I didn't know it.

    I don't know what version of TrendReader I have but mine looks like this:

    No save button, that's why I was lost.

  • I'm glad you got it working.

    For TrendReader, make sure to open the .HST file as I said. Your screenshot shows you opening the .010 file.

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