Page template dialog form


I built a massive template with a lot of parameters. When I use it to create a new page and try to edit those parameters, the top section of the dialog box open out of the screen and i'm not able to reach the top of it to drag the box down. Any Idea how to get this box to be all in the screen so I can edit all the parameters ?

Is there a way to edit this dialog box in the same way you can edit the Genies parameters dialog form, creating a file .frm ?

Thanks for your help.

  • Yes, you can create a FRM file for a template. That should allow you to arrange the substitutions so the form fits on screen.

    You can find examples of this functionality in the Include project for the legacy templates, like standard.ctt and standard.frm.

    Here's a simple example I had created in the past. Note that you need to specify the resolution as part of the genie name, like "SmartAlarm@SVGA":

  • I've try many time but I don't know why the form does not change base of my .frm file...

    I created a test template in a new style. The template contain 2 parameters, %Tag1% and %Tag2%.

    Then I've made the FRM file like this:

    Then I created a page base on this template but the form those not reflect the text file:

    Any idea ?

  • I don't see the problem with what you're doing. You even got the -HD1080--I forgot to mention that for templates with the Show Titlebar option disabled.

    I have attached my (PlantSCADA 2023) test project. I created a template called smartHD, saved as HD1080 resolution with no titlebar. I created a page called SmartHDNoTitlebar based on that template. My .frm file is set up like yours with similar spacing and line breaks. However, mine works.


    I did notice that if I created a template based on (linked to) another template, then the popup form didn't appear. When you create your template, make sure you uncheck the Linked option so your template has an unlinked copy of the objects from the base template you choose. You can base your template on the blank template like this:

    Then if you look at the properties for your template, it should look like this, with no base template:

  • So, everything I was doing was on a dev server that is located in the same network as our runtime project. This computer use windows server 2019 an have a lot of security restriction.

    I've already notice an issue about editing xml file for composite genie on notepad on this computer. When I have to edit composite genie, I copy the xml file on my computer and I use notepad++ and paste back on the server. It's the only way that I'm able to edit text file without making aveva crashing.

    So, in last resort I try to create a text file ".frm" on my computer and then paste it on the dev server, create a page using my template and the form prompt according to my form file. Now, I can edit this text file directly on the dev pc and it update my form...

    Anyway, I don't have any clue about this issue but now it's working.

    Thank's for your help !