Good morning,
I'm running a PlantSCADA redundant site, and I have been merging two projects into the same site, the site is all done in CSV_Include.
Previously I had around 130 trends/curves that where working, after I added another 400 trends/curves and changing the settings of the original trends they all stopped working.
I suspect that the origin of the problem is that initial I didn't have a cluster in the cluster name, and now I added my cluster. I also changed the Storage Method from scaled (2-bytes) to floating point (8-bytes).
Below are screenshots of how it was when it was working:
And how it is configured now:
Any trend/curve that I select shows the current value as n/a:
I'm also getting an alarm regarding the trend redundant server, saying that it was not found:
The QAM and PLC_TUNEL errors are expected since they are offline.
I can attach my ini file if needed.
Best regards.