PlantSCADA 2023 - Trends stopped working after merging two projects

Good morning,

I'm running a PlantSCADA redundant site, and I have been merging two projects into the same site, the site is all done in CSV_Include.

Previously I had around 130 trends/curves that where working, after I added another 400 trends/curves and changing the settings of the original trends they all stopped working.

I suspect that the origin of the problem is that initial I didn't have a cluster in the cluster name, and now I added my cluster. I also changed the Storage Method from scaled (2-bytes) to floating point (8-bytes).

Below are screenshots of how it was when it was working:

And how it is configured now:

Any trend/curve that I select shows the current value as n/a:

I'm also getting an alarm regarding the trend redundant server, saying that it was not found:

The QAM and PLC_TUNEL errors are expected since they are offline.

I can attach my ini file if needed.

Best regards.

  • You can't change the trend tag definitions (mainly things affecting how data is logged), unless you delete the old trend files. If you look in the PlantSCADA Logs folder and open the syslog file for the trend server, you should see error messages saying the data files do not match the trend definitions, so they will not be used. You have to delete all the trend data files for the tags you edited. When you restart the runtime, it will create new, empty files and they will start recording again.

    Or, you can use the Trend Converter tool from the PlantSCADA Toolbox to convert the existing files from 2-byte to 8-byte format without losing data.

    You could try disabling the firewall on your servers to make sure they can talk. Make sure your network is not blocking the TCP ports PlantSCADA uses. Make sure both servers are configured for Network mode in the Computer Setup wizard. Make sure they have the same Server Password, set in the Computer Setup wizard also.

  • I got the trends partially working after I deleted the files on the Data folder on both servers, then restarted the runtime and the trends are now working, but only on two of the clients, the other two still show n/a.

    The whole system was working previously, it was just the trends that didn't have a cluster defined, and since I defined it it all sort of broken. Over the weekend everything went down. Maybe its better to contact AVEVA support.


    Everything is working correctly, I messed up the client profiles. After I configured them again the trends started working correctly on all clients.

  • I got the trends partially working after I deleted the files on the Data folder on both servers, then restarted the runtime and the trends are now working, but only on two of the clients, the other two still show n/a.

    The whole system was working previously, it was just the trends that didn't have a cluster defined, and since I defined it it all sort of broken. Over the weekend everything went down. Maybe its better to contact AVEVA support.


    Everything is working correctly, I messed up the client profiles. After I configured them again the trends started working correctly on all clients.

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