Plant SCADA 2023 R2 export variables current value to CSV file

Dear Experts,

We are using Plant SCADA 2023 R2. We need to take a snapshot of 100 variables and store these values into a CSV/Excel file. We will store the current data only, no need for logging and multiple entries.

What is the most efficient way to achieve that?


  • If you turn on persistence the values are automatically stored in an XML format.

    If you need to write this data multiple times into a file I would suggest to:

    • Start a TagBrowseOpen() function and use a filter on for instance a CUSTOM field to select the right tags
    • Loop through the tags and use TagSubscribe() and store the handles in for instance a Cicode Int array
    • When you want to write to a file, process the handles and use SubscriptionGetAttribute() to get the value and write it to a file
  • Dear Bas,

    Thank you for your support,

    I am sorry but your answer was not clear to me and it didn't explain how to write the variables value into a CSV/Excel file.

    I simply need to write a script when executed to write the current values of 100 variables into a temporary file. this file will only be used once then deleted. No need to reopen the file and append new values once the code is executed again.


  • Dear Bas,

    Thank you for your support,

    I am sorry but your answer was not clear to me and it didn't explain how to write the variables value into a CSV/Excel file.

    I simply need to write a script when executed to write the current values of 100 variables into a temporary file. this file will only be used once then deleted. No need to reopen the file and append new values once the code is executed again.


  • Hi  
    Below is the sample code and hope it would help.

    Save the following sample code to a Cicode file and add it to your project. 

    MODULE STRING My100TagNames[100];
    MODULE INT nLoggingFlag=0;
    //Call this function on Button or an event - EnableLogging(1);
    FUNCTION EnableLogging(INT nFlag) 
    	nLoggingFlag = nFlag;
    //This function should be called by a task
    FUNCTION StartLoggingSnapshotTagValues()
    	WHILE(1) DO
    		IF nLoggingFlag <> 0 THEN
    			nLoggingFlag = 0;
    Function LoggingSnapshotTagValues()
    INT hFileWrite;
    INT iFileHeader = 0;
    INT Index;
    STRING sLine;
    	// You can specify your own file location and use TIMESTAMP as part of the file Name
    	STRING sFileName = "[RUN]:MySnapshotValues.csv"; 
    	My100TagNames[0] = "DEV01_TAG00003";
    	My100TagNames[1] = "DEV04_TAG00002";
    	sFileName = PathToStr(sFileName);
    	IF FileExist(sFileName) THEN 
    		iFileHeader = 0;
    		iFileHeader = 1;
    	hFileWrite = FileOpen(sFileName, "a+");
    	IF hFileWrite = -1 THEN
    		ErrLog("Fileopen failed!");
    	IF (iFileHeader = 1) THEN
    		// If an opened file is new, generate the header for each column in this csv file.
    		sLine = "Name,Value,Quality,Timestamp";	
    		FileWriteLn(hFileWrite, sLine);
    	// Note: Tag Read is a blocking function
    	FOR Index = 0 TO 1 DO
    		sLine = My100TagNames[Index] + "," + TagReadEx(My100TagNames[Index]) + "," + TagReadEx(My100TagNames[Index] + ".Q") + "," + TagReadEx(My100TagNames[Index] + ".T");
    		FileWriteLn(hFileWrite, sLine);
    	// Logging is completed.

    • Added TaskNew("StartLoggingSnapshotTagValues", "", 0); to your startup code of the client. 
    • In the sample code, only 2 tags are populated. 
    • You should create a separate function to assign those 100 tags to array My100TagNames[100]. As  suggested, you could also use TagBrowse functions to populate the wanted tags and assign them to the array. It is up to you how to obtain those 100 tags.
    • Remove Quality and Timestamp parts if not wanted and update the header as well