Plant SCADA Access Anywhere Architecture - Server+Access Anywhere on other PC

I have Plant Scada 8.4 Server Windows 11 with license manager (1-full and 3-view only clients) and second virtual server Windows Svr 2022 with installed Access Anywhere

Is it possible to download licenses from a full server for Access Anywhere installed on another PC ? OR Access Anywhere work only installed on the same machine ?

Should I then change the config.js file ?

Is this configuration possible ?

From Documentation:

  • We have performed some tests, but Citect Anywhere can in no way download it with such a license configuration form server in this configuration.

    We also have tried to transfer license View Client to the VM machine PSANYWHERE and also receives software Protection Error

  • Hi  ,

    It would be worth checking the command line argument (open Task Manager > Details > Right Click on Column > Select Columns > Command Line) and see what arguments are being used by the process. I have seen citect.ini file can have incorrect [Client]ComputerRole setting which can cause this issue. Look for the L argument below:

    This option allows you to specify which type of runtime license to consume. The syntax for this option is in the format /L:x, where x is one of license type options listed below:

    0 = Full (default setting)
    1 = View Only
    2 = Control Client

    Example: The /L:2 command will request a Control Client license

    Also check that you are not using reservation feature in AEL. If you are, it must also have "Checkout" enabled, since the /x client process will add PID to end of the machine name when requesting the license.

    Also check in Configurator that License Server is configured.

  • Hi Olivier,

    I will check this commands.

    I don't use reservation feature in AEL.

    In Configurator Server i have configured Licence Server correctly , because I am able to connect in the local network to another PC with installed Plant Scada Runtime as one of client (Configurator Client connect to Licence Server) and i see in AEL (in use licence view).

    My question how should i configure this to download the license through Access Anywhere to any computer in network (lan ,vpn) when i have licence server on on my PSSERVER (Win 11) and RDP PSANYWHERE (Win Server 2022) ?

    In normal configuration I have always had a license server and RDP on the same machine.

  •  Hi  ,

    There are two Windows user groups that are created on your Windows Server 2022 (PSANYWHERE server machine) on installation,

    • SCADA.AnywhereControl
    • SCADA.AnywhereView

    When a new Anywhere (RDP) session is launched and signed in with a Windows user, PSANYWHERE server will evaluate which the user group this login user belongs to and then replicate the default citect.ini with the updated [Client]ComputerRole (1: Control; 2: ViewOnly) to

    C:\Users\[login user]\AppData\Roaming\AVEVA Plant SCADA Access Anywhere\Launcher.

    If AEL is configured on this PSANYWHERE, Plant SCADA will request an AEL license accordingly based on the ComputerRole setting when a new session is launched (Anywhere client). Each session is independent and an AEL license is issued with Process ID. 

    If [Client]UseLocalLicense = 1 is set in the default citect.ini on PSANYWHERE, AEL will be bypassed and Anywhere clients will attempt to request floating licenses on the connected servers (PSSERVER).



  •  Hi  ,

    There are two Windows user groups that are created on your Windows Server 2022 (PSANYWHERE server machine) on installation,

    • SCADA.AnywhereControl
    • SCADA.AnywhereView

    When a new Anywhere (RDP) session is launched and signed in with a Windows user, PSANYWHERE server will evaluate which the user group this login user belongs to and then replicate the default citect.ini with the updated [Client]ComputerRole (1: Control; 2: ViewOnly) to

    C:\Users\[login user]\AppData\Roaming\AVEVA Plant SCADA Access Anywhere\Launcher.

    If AEL is configured on this PSANYWHERE, Plant SCADA will request an AEL license accordingly based on the ComputerRole setting when a new session is launched (Anywhere client). Each session is independent and an AEL license is issued with Process ID. 

    If [Client]UseLocalLicense = 1 is set in the default citect.ini on PSANYWHERE, AEL will be bypassed and Anywhere clients will attempt to request floating licenses on the connected servers (PSSERVER).


