Changes to automation object templates do not get inherited to all child instances (seems random) , way to debug analyse cause?


I added a attribute and a script to a Autom.Object template, only part of the instances inherit the update, with no obvious reason for the other not updating. these are simple instances with no obvious difference.  Besides if anyone has an  immediate answer for why this is happening, my question is, is there a way to analyse what is happening when a template is checked in? Is there any information in SMC log that can be looked at.  What should i be searching for?



  • Hi Jackob,

    Do you use object wizard in that template?
    Can you go to the derivation view and see if the instance is directly from that template?
    Did you use locking in different derivation level?
    If you repeat the process of adding an attribute to the template, do you see anything in the logger? Do you see anything in the chechkin process dialog?

  • - No - Not using object wizard in that specific case. 

     - Yes - all objects are derived directly from the template,  (some of them get updated and some dont)

     - Tried turning locking on and off for various sub attributes within the attribute i created.

     - Regarding the logger, referring to my previous question, I was hoping to be able too see in the logger what is happening but my problem is that i dont know what i need to activate in the logger to see it, any suggestions?

     - Nothing to see in the check in dialog

  • Hi   and  

    I came across the same issue when I built a test galaxy with System Platform 2023R2. I made a small change in script in the template derived from $UserDefined one, in which Me.X = Me.Y * A; became Me.X = Me.Y * B; where Me.X was a calculated variable, Me.Y was from PLC and A or B was a coefficient. The instances that missed the update were in the deployed mode. A newly created instance appeared to have the change.

    When I checked in the change, the check-in window showed a warning about propagating the changes, and no error was logged in OCL. There is no lock in my template.

    The question is if the change made in the template can be propagated to its instances in the deployed mode. I am not aware if there is any method to allow users to synch up the instances with their template if some of them miss the changes.

  • Hi Jakob,

    In order to propagate the changes from a template to an existing instances (deployed or undeployed), you must use the template script locks before check-in the changes.

  • Thanks Ido. It worked. So, the general rule is to place a lock on a changed item in the template in order to propagate the changes well to existing instances.