Changes to automation object templates do not get inherited to all child instances (seems random) , way to debug analyse cause?


I added a attribute and a script to a Autom.Object template, only part of the instances inherit the update, with no obvious reason for the other not updating. these are simple instances with no obvious difference.  Besides if anyone has an  immediate answer for why this is happening, my question is, is there a way to analyse what is happening when a template is checked in? Is there any information in SMC log that can be looked at.  What should i be searching for?



Parents Reply Children
  • - No - Not using object wizard in that specific case. 

     - Yes - all objects are derived directly from the template,  (some of them get updated and some dont)

     - Tried turning locking on and off for various sub attributes within the attribute i created.

     - Regarding the logger, referring to my previous question, I was hoping to be able too see in the logger what is happening but my problem is that i dont know what i need to activate in the logger to see it, any suggestions?

     - Nothing to see in the check in dialog